Thursday, September 14, 2006


This has always been one of my favorite photos of Diamond. :)
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Your daily dose of Cute.
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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Who DOES these kinds of things!?

I would have posted this after my photopost of last time, but I really didn't want to ruin such a lovely photopost with venting.

So Monday night at Safeway, I was at the end of an isle chatting with a friend I hadn't seen in a few months, and an older-teen-aged boy walks past us, and starts hissing, growling, and making clawing motions at Diamond.

Diamond reads lips surprisingly well, but of course THAT didn't translate. Diamond looked at him, then turned back to look at me like, "?No habla estupido."

I watched the kid in dumbfounded fascination until he walked out of site, commented, "Odd," and continued on with my conversation.

After I'd made my purchases, I chatted with a store manager, who informed me that Safeway has a 0 tolerance policy against harassment. It works like so:

If you're caught harassing someone in the store, they take your I.D. information and put it on file. If three such incidences are recorded against you, you are permanently trespassed from the store. By the police.


It was an irritating thing to have happen, but I'm glad I learned so much from it.

To quote Hermione: "Honestly."

And finally, Here's a basic little reminder. (Of course I know I'm mostly just preaching to the choir, here.)

Monday, September 04, 2006

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Diamond: "Yaaay! Another adventure! Where we going tonight mom?"

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Diamond: "Oooh, what a pretty evening!"

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Diamond: "Shopping!? Eww, you know I hate grocery shopping, mom!"
Me: "And just where do you think we get your treats?"
Diamond: "Shopko! Which I like better!"
Me: *Sigh.*

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Diamond: "Okay, now this is much better."

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Diamond: "What a pretty night. *Yawn*" :)

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Diamond: "Hey! I know this door!" :)

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Diamond: "My kingdom for thumbs! Sorry that I can't help you with the doorknob, mom."

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Diamond: "Okay, now let me help you because you know you can't do it unless I direct."
Me: "Yes, my liege." *sigh.*