Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Whatever do you mean, I'm driving my cat batty? ;-)

Last year it occurred to me that it would be hilarious and fun to install one of those mechanical flying bats and let Diamond react as he wished. He's been a pound and a half over his optimum weight -- which REALLY adds up on a feline, particularly if you want them to live long, happy lives -- and I felt the excersize would be very good for him.

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I had a very tall friend help me install it, and we turned it on while Diamond was eating. Eventually Diamond meandered into the hallway and spotted the flying bat.

DUN DUN DUN!!! He stared just long enough to detect something large MOVING in the air in his home and jetted straight at us. Unused to the bat's pattern and not yet realizing it'd have a predictable path, he followed the bat's circular flight path directly beneath it, occasionally springing up in the air but missing it wildly. (Thank goodness for that. I don't know what I would have done with a cat hanging for dear life on a flying bat...) He even dug his back claws into the nap of the carpet to get good traction so that he could keep up.

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I think he followed the bat deparately for a good ten - twelve minutes, until his little lungs gave up and he had to stop, he head pointed straight up and spinning in time on his fully outstretched neck as he panted in exhaustion. My friends and I were equally exhausted from laughing ourselves into fits. ;-D He had run so much, so fast and so hard, that his back claws had actually dug a faint path in the nap of the carpet.

It took him a few days, but eventually he figured out that he could perch precariously on top of the easy chair and SWAT!!! the bat as it flew by. I took that opportunity to get some hilarious though usually blurred shots of his antics, which you now get to enjoy here. :)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Anti aircraft cat!
